Character Information
Birth Name | Olvaire MeissonnierNamesday | Second Sun of the Sixth Astral Moon, 1495 6th A.E. | ♏︎Gender | MaleRace & Clan | Elezen ◊ DuskwightHeight & Weight | Seven fulms ◊ Approximately Two-hundred & Fifty ponzBirth Place | Issom-Har, Gelmorra ◊ The Black ShroudCitizenship | The Royal Kingdom of Dalmasca, Othard [nulled due to annexation]Occupation & Combat Profession | Veteran Rune KnightDisposition | True Neutral ◊ ESTP-ARelationship Status | Partnered with Rayne
Bold ⋄ Captivating ⋄ Charming
These descriptors have followed the Duskwight throughout much of his long-lived existence; Be it by the superiors he spent day after day striving for the approval of or the many different admirers he garnered through his libertine behaviour. Only child to the Meissonnier household of Goldsmiths native to Gelmorra's now abandoned caverns, Olvaire always held a deceptively brooding air about his guise, one that gives way swiftly upon interaction. Having adopted a laissez-faire approach to life as the years went by, in typical Dalmascan fashion, adoration and respect turned into doubt. The man's virtues had begun to be put into question as his head seemed all but up in the clouds, or worse, lost in the prospect of a mountain of chips up for ante.Standing tall with a complexion dark even by Duskwight standards, accompanied by a piercing golden gaze that serves to contrast against his ebon visage, Olvaire has always been the sort to turn heads. His position within the Order of the Knights of Dalmasca had his hands full and his priorities even fuller – such stature awarding him the favour of many up until the very end.Time has been a curious beast for the man. Through the tumultuous years of war and loss, he seems to have only aged just barely – a curious notion, given the length of his presence on Hydaelyn.
His voice is that of a comforting and gentle intonation; deep in timbre but wholly unintimidating.
One might find inspiration clicking here and listening to this example for how he could be perceived to sound.
These days, those who happen to meet Olvaire in the chance he is not off galavanting around, are likely to find a perhaps surprisingly lighthearted and poised gentleman – albeit with plenty of ostentation and vanity to make even the more tempered of individuals roll their eyes at the sheer humour behind such unbridled huffing and puffing.
Let not his placid prose fool you, however; Not all that is glitters is gold...
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